Day #1 - Pretty exciting. So exciting that I should only hit the high points.
1) I ate some chips and the salt hurt the place where my upper and lower lips connect. I wonder if that place has a name. The area between the nose and lips is a divet? divit? how do you spell divit? or does it have a real name? Anyways my lip connection as I will now be calling it hurts. I must have sensitive lip connectors.
2) I am watching "Life" on NBC waiting for L&O to start. One of the guest stars was on another show but I don't remember what it was. I want to say "Full House" but I could be wrong. I used to love that show! I wanted to be DJ and marry Uncle Jesse, which would not have been good because he would be my uncle and that is just case you were wondering.
3) I did apply as a special agent for the FBI. I wonder if I should be writing this blog because I am sure they are going to be searching the internet for anything about me. Maybe they will be pleasantly intrigued by this blog or maybe I will stop blogging. By the way FBI agent reading this - I love America and would do a great job defending the country and taking care of the Americans.
4) I kept having to remind myself what day it is. It is Wednesday. I think. I am pretty sure my days are going to be running together. That isn't going to be good as I am sure I have many important appointments coming up. Tomorrow is Thursday, Today is Wednesday, and Yesterday was Tuesday. I may use that as my new sign off.
I want to leave you wanting more. I do need to go reprogram my 1980's VCR cuz it didn't change during Daylight savings and I missed the first half of The Biggest Loser.
Hugs and Kisses,
Wow...that is riveting!