Monday, March 30, 2009

It is not day 2, but still the life of the unemployed.

Apparently, I am not very good at keeping up my blog - which I am sure is disappointing for most everyone.  ESPECIALLY - the one person who is following me (thank you C for making me feel special :).  I had two conversations this weekend where people read other people's blogs.  I need to start that and will commit to you now to do a better job at updating mine - because I know you care deeply :)

Let me hit the highlights of the last few weeks:
1) My friend Sara (hey - oh) and I are trying to form a team to be on the family feud!  How much freakin' fun would that be.  The one dilemna - none of the teammembers are related to that.  So, that may need to be remedied by a couple of adoptions and a couple of marriages by June.  June is when the tryouts are.  I will let you know if I am being adopted or adopting or getting married.  I will be registering at Target for this special event.

2) I have fallen in love with "The Colbert Report" and, thanks to being unemployed, I can see it everyday at 9:30 am!  How wonderful is that?  It reminds me of the office season 2 - which was my favorite of all seasons, so far.  Jim had his best wings that year...ah...Jim.

3) I have a date coming up on Friday.  I met this guy on Eharmony - David from St. Paul.  We are going to go to the Bulldog.  I am kind of nervous!  What am I going to wear? What am I going to say?  If anyone wants to come to the bulldog, hide behind a newspaper and wear an earpiece that tells me what to say for conversation, I would be completely open to it!  Help me filter!

4) Lastly...I decided to deep clean my apartment.  Translated - this means pull everything out of every nook and cranny in the apt and throw it in the middle of the living area and stare at it.  I have slipped 8 times on scrapbook paper that is just laying on the floor.  I had someone offer to come watch gracie when i go to WI this week but I am too embarressed for her to see my place.  Yes, people know I am slobberly, but can one be too slobberlicious?

Peace out yo -
Erin Lynn Kelly the first.


  1. Paragraph number one is the highlight of my Monday by FAR!

    Have you read Heidi's blog yet?

  2. I will folow your blog if you follow mine, too. And, yes, you CAN be too slobberylicious.
